IOM, UNHCR Joint Statement on Yemen Crisis

IOM and UNHCR teams in the country, many of them in hard-to-reach areas, report increasingly dire humanitarian and socio-economic conditions. With no political settlement in sight, the situation is likely to get worse.

According to the latest report of a special task force on population movement, jointly led by UNHCR and IOM, some 2,430,178 people have been internally displaced in Yemen since the crisis erupted in late March 2015.

Although down slightly from the 2.5 million reported by the last report of the task force published in December, the number remains staggeringly high and is a cause for grave concern. The figures also mask the human face of the conflict and the continued suffering of the population.

The latest report shows increased levels of displacement in areas where the conflict has escalated, notably in the five governorates of Taizz, Hajjah, Sana’a, Amran, and Sa’ada, which together account for 68 percent of all internally displaced people (IDPs) in Yemen.

-> Read the full article on the IOM website

-> Read the full report

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