The number of migrants arriving by sea in Greece exceeds half a million in 2015

20/10/2015 . In Greece, the number of migrants and refugees arriving by sea in 2015 has surpassed the course of half a million,  said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The number of arrivals in Greece is straining approval procedures on the Greek islands. Many refugees and migrants desperate to continue their journey, fearing that other countries borders close.

“It is important in Greece, as in other parts of Europe, the approval procedures are adapted to the number of arrivals. Without this essential element, the transfer program agreed by Europe in September is in jeopardy and could fail, “said during a press briefing in Geneva the UNHCR spokesperson, Melissa Fleming.

“We are concerned because the number could rise due to winter conditions and for fear of further border closures. UNHCR calls for further strengthening of search and rescue operations in the area to reduce the risks, “said Fleming.

Read the full article on the UN News Centre (in french)

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