Peace of God and Peace of Men

Political Action at the End of the Middle Age, an article by Nicolas Offenstadt.

At the Middle Age, peace cornes from God. Beyond theological discussions, this article wants to question how these thinking take place in political practices. It tries to find the articulation between City of God and City of the earth at this age
when State and the politic are not yet constituated in autonomous space.

Nicolas Offenstadt is master of the Middle Ages history of conferences and historiography at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is Co-Editor with Nicolas Mariot of Genesis magazine. social sciences and history. He contributes regularly to the World of Books in History and activities of the International Research Collective and debate on the 1914-1918 war and CVUH (Vigilance Committee with regard to public uses of history).

Read the article (in french)

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