Courtesy visit of Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan at the Magistral Palace

Article published on Sovereign Order of Malta website on 10/03/2019

Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan paid a courtesy visit today to the Grand Master, Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre, who was accompanied by the Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager. Interreligious dialogue, the violation of human rights, building a humanitarian platform to encourage peace building, water, energy and climate, were just a few of the many topics discussed during the meeting.“The priorities of the Kingdom of Jordan reflect those of the Order of Malta, there are many contact points” said the Grand Master noting that interreligious dialogue is key for peace building, not just in the Mediterranean area but all over the world. “The Lack of work, of housing, of a perspective for a better future are all factors undermining peace and contributing to unrest and wars” said the Grand Master.The Grand Chancellor then briefly illustrated some of the key activities of the Order of Malta in the Middle East, such as the maternity hospital in Bethlehem where, he recalled: “nearly 5,000 deliveries take place every year” and Lebanon, where some medical and social activities are run in close cooperation with the Shia and Sunni communities.

“Dialogue is essential in the Eastern Mediterranean region for developing a common knowledge and a common humanitarian platform” confirmed Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, recalling some of the direst humanitarian tragedies underway such as that one in Yemen. “We talk about the violation of human rights but what about the violation of humanity?” said the Prince, stressing the importance of diplomacy in building bridges and bringing people together.

Diplomatic relations between the Order of Malta and the Kingdom of Jordan were established in 2003. Currently the Order of Malta, through its embassy in Jordan, supports the training of medical staff in the Italian Hospital of Karak. In March 2019, the Order signed an agreement with the hospital to finance part of the restructuring of the maternity and neonatal unit.

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