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06/12/2017. UNHCR’s Global Report presents a global overview of the work carried out by UNHCR in a given year to protect and improve the lives of tens of millions of forcibly displaced people.

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'Enduring dilemmas' of speaking out - Red Cross director

06/05/2017. Pierre Krahenbuhl, has told Stephen Sackur about the difficulties faced by humanitarian organisations when carrying out their roles in the midst of modern conflicts.

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Safe havens: why cities are crucial to the global refugee crisis

06/06/2017. The world is facing unprecedented levels of population displacement. At least 65 million people are on the move, including 21.3 million refugees and 31 million internally displaced persons since the beginning of 2016.

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The Atlas of Environmental Migration

May 2017. Through elaborate maps, diagrams, illustrations and case studies the Atlas guides the reader from the roots of environmental migration through to governance.

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The "New Way of Working": Bridging aid's funding divide

06/09/2017. The so-called New Way of Working (NWOW) has, according to its champions, the potential to radically improve how emergency relief programmes are designed and delivered.

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AB Gallagher on Holy See's action to protect Christians

05/22/2017. The Holy See’s ‘foreign minister’, Archbishop Paul Gallagher full statement

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Surveillance for good? Facebook tracks disaster victims

06/08/2017. The initiative will use aggregated and anonymised Facebook user data to produce 3 different kinds of maps: where people are checking in as safe; where populations are before, during, and after a natural disaster; and where people are moving…

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The continuing tragedy of Egypt’s Coptic Christians

05/30/2017. In the face of persecution and attacks for their faith, the Copts, who have persisted with their Christian faith in Egypt for the past 2,000 years, are making a statement by changing the chant.

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Sudan: UN report exposes human rights violations

05/19/2017. “The conflict highlights the startling level of impunity in South Sudan, which has fed successive cycles of violence across the country,”

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More than 31 million people displaced in 2016 

2017 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) published on 05/22/2017. "In 2016, one person every second was forced to flee their home inside their own country.

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