A certain vision of ​​the United Nations

Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who has just disappeared, embodied the way – to sacrifice – a high idea of ​​the independence of the United Nations and the Secretary-General function, which serves the institution today, said the Swiss diplomat Francois Nordmann

Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the first Egyptian, the first African and the first Arab to hold the position of Secretary General of the United Nations from 1992 to 1996. He owed his election to the support of France and the Africa, while the United States, the United Kingdom abstained.

Elegant, erudite, sparkling with intelligence and humor, he taught international law and for fourteen years was the head of Egyptian diplomacy. He came from a large Coptic family that marked Egyptian politics.

High idea of ​​the function

He played to the end – to sacrifice – a high idea of ​​the independence of the United Nations and the Secretary-General function, which serves the institution today.

Read the entire article (in french)  on “Le Temps” website

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