New Vatican emphasis on ‘20 action points’ for migrants, refugees

Article published on catholic culture website on 11/08/2017

In recent days, Pope Francis and a Vatican official have cited “Responding to Migrants and Refugees: Twenty Action Points,” a text quietly released in July by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

In a November 4 address, the Pope said that “the Section for Migrants and Refugees of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has suggested ‘20 Action Points’ as a contribution to the process that will lead to the adoption, by the international community, of two Global Pacts, one on migrants and one on refugees, in the second half of 2018.”

More recently, at a meeting of the Council of Europe, Father Fabio Baggio, the Section’s undersecretary, described the document as a series of “best practices” intended to influence a forthcoming UN pact on migration.

Read the document “Responding to Migrants and Refugees: Twenty Action Points” 


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