“A final solution is evolving to Eastern Christians”

Frédéric Pons, professor at the Military School of Saint-Cyr and journalist, update on the situation in Syria, lamenting the blindness of the West.

The Syrian conflict began in 2011, probably killed 300 000 people. Duration and violence are due to the intervention of outside powers that feed on armaments and fighters. Western powers have backed the opponents of Bashar Al Assad, as they had before them the example of the destabilization of Iraq and Libya.

“We know the nature of the rebellion, ensures Frédéric Pons. There is no moderate Islamists! Christians who lived in the areas they control know the fate of Serbs in Kosovo. “

So who are the culprits of the misfortunes of our Christian brothers of the East? Frédéric Pons details the levels of responsibility.

The first, on the ground, are of course the Islamist movements, Daesh in mind, but, he says, other movements including “moderate rebels” would like the Islamic state if they had the ability. Which leads to the second level of responsibility: Islam conqueror. An Islam “whose violence is proportionate to its failure vis-a-vis the West since the nineteenth century.”

Read the complete article (in french) on Aleteia website

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