Syria: humanitarian action after five years of civil war

The length of the civil war and the extreme violence of the fighting on both sides are paying a huge price to civilians.

The catastrophe unparalleled in history that are experiencing the Syrians forced to invent new forms of resistance and open up paths towards a plural society in the service of man.

Several million people have fled the combat zones and are now living in precarious conditions in Syria and in neighboring countries. More than 200,000 people were killed and more than 4 million have fled to neighboring countries since the conflict erupted, but especially more than 12.2 million Syrians and Syrian require emergency assistance.

Listen to France Culture radio program on this subject (in french) 

Guests: Philippe Ryfman, professor and research associate in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the European and the Sorbonne Science Policy Centre (CESSP-Sorbonne), University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Read the article (in french) on France Culture website

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