One million South Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Article published on the Sovereign Order of Malta website on 08/09/2017

The civil war in South Sudan has taken its toll on neighboring country Uganda. The number of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda has now reached the million mark.

Many of these refugees make the journey across the border, not just because of the Uganda’s proximity, but also as a result of the country’s welcoming approach to hosting refugees. “Uganda has provided a true and outstanding neighborly aid”, said Alexander Tacke-Köster, Program Coordination for Malteser International in Uganda, the Order of Malta worldwide relief agency.

Based on a concept of self-help assistance, refugees receive land and materials on arrival to put up their own shelters, as well as seeds and hoes to grow their own food. This concept aims at ensuring a self-reliant life for the refugees in the long term. “Uganda is however beginning to reach the limits of its capacity. One million people need space and support,” said Tacke-Köster. “We offer support by providing improved supply of clean drinking water for 30,000 refugees. Although the number of arrivals are declining, an end to the influx of refugees is not in sight.”

The German Federal Foreign Office is supporting Malteser International’s projects in Uganda and has released an additional one million euros to upscale ongoing aid projects for South Sudanese refugees in the African eastern country.

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