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A British appointed UN humanitarian chief - reports

05/10/2017. Lowcock takes over as famine threatens four countries and humanitarian principles are trampled in Syria.

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US foreign aid cuts: what could impact be?

04/28/2017. A leaked State Department budget document lays out proposals for a 30.8 percent cut in development aid and plans to sharply cut back.

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Syria: ‘Glimmers of humanity’ overshadowed by brutality of attacks on civilians

04/27/2017. The top United Nations humanitarian official today urged consolidation of the nationwide ceasefire, most importantly a pause in fighting on the outskirts of Damascus, to enable the delivery of aid.

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A climate in crisis

04/27/2017. How climate change is making drought and humanitarian disaster worse in East Africa.

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Turkey steps up crackdown on humanitarian aid groups

04/27/2017. Turkish authorities have detained 15 staff of a US NGO working on Syria relief operations – the latest in a series of moves restricting humanitarian aid groups in the country.

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Syria Changed the World

04/21/2017. The world seems awash in chaos and uncertainty, perhaps more so than at any point since the end of the Cold War.

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Staffan de Mistura Special Envoy for Syria after the HTF Meeting

04/24/2017. We had the HTF (the Humanitarian Task Force) a moment ago and frankly one of the main issues which was raised was this horrific attack on the 15th of April

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Libya's warring sides reach diplomatic breakthrough in Rome

04/24/2017. Rome has brokered a diplomatic breakthrough in Libya that has the potential to bring the two main warring sides together in a new political agreement after years of division, fighting and economic misery.

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Unity within Security Council vital to prevent mass atrocities – UN chief Guterres

04/18/2017. “We must collectively draw strength from the letter and spirit of the Charter to better prevent armed conflict and sustain peace through development [by] ensuring effective protection of all human rights – civil, political, economic, social and cultural,”

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Michel Veuthey

04/26/2017. Towards a "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration": For a permanent dialogue on migration

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