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Modern slavery : Myths & Facts

Modern slavery is all around us, but most people don't even realize it. Learn the truth about these common myths and then sign up to help end modern slavery for good.

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'Change or die': aid charities told to stop competing for funds or face extinction

07/28/2017. Researchers warn major aid organisations will be sidelined by 2030 unless they change tack.

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UNHCR welcomes commitments made at the Paris meeting

08/28/2017. Statement by Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the Paris meeting

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AB Gallagher at UN: combatting slavery is a priority

09/20/2017. "Pope Francis has made it clear that working to end forced labour, modern slavery and trafficking in persons is one of the defining priorities of his papacy."

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Fighting violent extremism – humanitarians beware

08/03/2017. Communities in some of the most dangerous corners of the world will be left without lifesaving aid because of countering violent extremism agendas. Millions of people living in countries facing famine may be hardest hit.

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The crisis of multilateralism and the future of humanitarian action

11/30/2016. Long before the November 2016 US elections, there were clear signals that multilateralism was in crisis. In fact, Donald Trump’s election is just the continuation of a downward spiral that has been under way for some time.

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Libya's migration crisis is about more than just security

09/11/2017. There’s no shortage of news on Libya’s migration crisis, but there is a serious dearth of policy solutions.

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Global Views on Immigration and the Refugee Crisis

09/15/2017. Three in four (75%) in 25 countries around the world believe that immigration has increased in their country over the last five years, according to new data from the Ipsos Global @dvisor survey.

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World needs to move beyond ‘conceptual debate’

09/06/2017. António Guterres called for concrete action to protect the vulnerable

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Secretary-General's remarks on the Launch of the Fez Plan of Action

07/14/2017. The Plan is based on a unifying commitment to promote peace, understanding, mutual respect and the fundamental rights of all people. This includes the rights to freedom of religion and belief, opinion and expression, and peaceful association.

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