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The futur of aid : INGOs in 2030

10/01/2017. It is both a challenge for traditional actors and an opportunity for humanitarian leaders to create a more inclusive and effective humanitarian ecosystem.

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Giving Away Billions as Fast as They Can

10/20/2017. Many new philanthropists appear less interested in naming a business school after themselves than in changing the world.

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'Time to stamp out human trafficking,' says Guterres;

09/27/2017. “Human trafficking is all around us, in all regions of the world,” said Mr. Guterres, referring to such practices as forced labour, sexual servitude, recruitment of child soldiers and other forms of exploitation and abuse.

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A framework to underpin action to prevent violence against women

Violence against women is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world, rooted in gender inequality, discrimination and harmful cultural and social norms

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David Horobin: “In today’s world a major crisis cannot be handled by one individual.”

10/05/2017. Recently appointed head of the GCSP Crisis Management Cluster, David Horobin has a lifetime of experience on the frontlines of complex emergencies.

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INTERVIEW: Global humanitarian needs have never been higher, says UN official

10/02/2017. The number of those needing humanitarian assistance is at its highest since the end of the Second World War – some 145 million people.

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Child safety summit reflects Pope’s power to convene

10/04/2017. The Vatican has had to make its way in the world as a “soft power”.

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Refugees pay price when governments ignore asylum rules

10/05/2017. Some politicians cast aside humanity in favour of short-term political gains.

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How Environmental security and human rights are linked?

10/05/2017. According to experts, the natural resources and their fair distributions are essential to ensure the human rights.

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Brief : The Rohingya Refugee Crisis

10/23/2017. Rohingya crisis: Donors pledge $344 million at UN-backed conference to support aid efforts.

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