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The Strategic Interests of the European Union

09/26/2016. The mention of major challenges faced today by the international community logically provides a framework for Europe's strategic agenda.

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"Art of Peace: Secrets and Treasures of Diplomacy”

10/19/2016. The history of France’s international relations from the Middle Ages to the present day in an exhibition.

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Holy See: Two-state solution necessary for Mideast peace

10/20/2016. Statement of H.E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Security Council.

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World Humanitarian Summit: A big deal for Humanity?

09/13/2016. The Grand Bargain will help make sure money is put to optimal use and, crucially, help to raise new funds", Peter Maurer.

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Vote on a Resolution Recommending António Guterres as the Next Secretary-General

10/05/2016. António Guterres had been the only candidate with more than nine “encourage” votes and received no red ballot as a “discourage” vote.

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The Order of Malta takes part in the 71st United Nations General Assembly

09/20/2016. “We strongly believe that no human being is illegal and therefore s/he has rights", The Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel.

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UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York

09/10/2016. At summit for refugees and migrants, senior UN officials underline the importance of collective action

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The king of Morocco has made an important speech against jihadism

08/20/2016. "Those who engage in terrorism, in the name of Islam, are not Muslims. Their only link to Islam is the pretexts they use to justify their crimes and their folly."

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War with China

09/01/2016. Thinking Through the Unthinkable

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U.S. Ambassador-Designate Arrives in Lebanon

07/15/2016. "I assured the Prime Minister that, as Ambassador, I will work tirelessly to continue and expand our efforts to ensure a secure, stable, and prosperous Lebanon." Elizabeth H. Richard

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