The Order of Malta, at the forefront of humanitarian crises

01/15/2015. The Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta received the Diplomatic Corps Magistral Villa in Rome for the traditional exchange of vows. In his speech, Fra ‘Matthew Festing addressed the main events that marked the global news.

The Grand Master of the Order regretted that the twenty-first century, “despite the proclamation of the Declaration of Human Rights, had taken a wrong turn, opening the door to new forms of indiscriminate barbaric acts”

Fra ‘Matthew Festing also mentioned persecution of religious minorities in the Middle East, especially those carried out by the organization of the Islamic state, and reiterated the urgent need to recall the principles of humanitarian law ratified by the community International. The mission of the Order of Malta, he also recalled, and continue its work of assistance regardless of origin, race or religion.

Read more of the article (in french) and listen to the interview on Vatican Radio website

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