The Grand Hospitaller meets Russian authorities in Moscow: on the agenda commitments in the health, social and humanitarian fields

Article published on The Sovereign Order of Malta website on 12/22/2017

The Russian deputy foreign minister has expressed his willingness to strengthen bilateral cooperation

The Order of Malta’s Grand Hospitaller Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel recently visited Moscow for a series of talks with representatives of Russian authorities. Bilateral cooperation in health, social and humanitarian services between the Russian Federation and the Sovereign Order of Malta was the focus of the meetings in which the Order’s Ambassador to Russia, Gianfranco Facco Bonetti, also participated.

During his discussions with Mikhail Leonidovich Bogdanov, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa, and with Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin, President of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel illustrated the Order of Malta’s assistance to communities affected by conflicts and famine, both on the African continent and in the regions bordering Syria – such as Lebanon and Turkey. Also pointed out were the numerous projects for helping migrants and refugees along the main migration routes and in the countries of arrival, in particular Germany. The Russian deputy minister expressed his great appreciation for the humanitarian aid provided by the Order, looking forward to a strengthening of bilateral cooperation.

Encouraging words also came from the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Responsible for Social Affairs, Leonid Pechatnikov, with whom the Grand Hospitaller had a meeting on 18 December, attended also by the heads of the Order of Malta’s social assistance centre in Moscow that helps some 3000 needy families and distributes hot meals three times a week.

During his visit to Moscow, the Grand Hospitaller also met the director of the Foreign Ministry’s Historical Archives, with whom the Order’s Grand Magistry has accomplished joint projects for publishing documents on the diplomatic relations between Russia and the Order of Malta over the centuries.

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