Humanitarian Diplomacy: facing the challenges of the 21st Century

11/10/2015 . Grand Chancellor delivers Lectio Magistralis at the SIOI

With 60 million displaced people in the world and 20 million on the move fleeing wars, violence and poverty, humanitarian diplomacy is challenged by unseen levels of desperation among many different populations. In delivering a Lectio Magistralis this morning in Rome at the SIOI institute (The Italian Society for International Organization) the Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Albrecht Boeselager, unraveled the enormous challenges faced by all humanitarian institutions and agencies.

The increase of non-state actors, the use of non-conventional weapons, and disregard for the application of humanitarian laws are all forces hindering humanitarian action, at a time when it is most needed, the Grand Chancellor explained.

Read the full article on the Order Of Malta Website 

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