Jean-Philippe Gaudin: “Forced migration has always been a weapon”

He is a man in the shadows. One of those who speak little and usually flee the lights of the cameras. For eight years, Jean-Philippe Gaudin headed the intelligence service of the Swiss army, the Military Intelligence Service of the Confederation (CBC).

The problem is not migration, it is the rate of integration of these people in our societies. The vast majority of them will never return to their countries, and this integration is not done quickly enough, frustration will set in and these people will become a real breeding ground for recruiters for jihad, terrorism, the extremism and crime.

Forced migration has always been a weapon. But Assad is not the only one using it. The Islamic State pushes entire populations outside its territory. The goal is to destabilize Europe, to create dissension within the EU countries.

Turkey also plays an important role in this issue. It can no longer bear the weight of that single migration, then it puts pressure on Europe, making sure it help financially to accommodate refugees.

The only way to fight against the Islamic State is to intervene with a large international coalition. This intervention must be political, economic to cut off the financial resources of the IU and finally military intervention with ground to destroy this army sponsored by third parties and built on the ashes of the administration and Saddam’s army Hussein.

Great nations will put aside their interests. We must quickly look to the future about the post-Daech, reconstruction of Syria and Iraq whose large major cities are now destroyed more than 70%. We must learn not only win wars, but to win the peace!

Read the entire article (in french) published on website

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