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Global Compact on Migration Consultations

04/18/17. “The Global Compact presents an historical opportunity to achieve a world of opportunity to migrate through safe, orderly and regular channels" William Lacy Swing.

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IOM DG Swing's Statement at the Syria Brussels Conference

04/05/2017. "The future of Syria will be grim if current needs are not being addressed with a greater sense of urgency."

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The Migrant Boon

04/07/2017. New research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) shows that cross-border migrants contribute nearly 10% of global GDP.

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Risk of Death from Starvation Grows in Africa

04/11/2017. The Lack of money is pushing the humanitarian crisis ever closer in Yemen, Nigeria, and South Sudan,

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IOM Learns of 'Slave Market' Conditions Endangering Migrants in North Africa

04/11/2017. Over the past weekend, IOM staff in Niger and Libya documented shocking events on North African migrant routes, which they have described as 'slave markets' tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya.

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Unity within Security Council vital to prevent mass atrocities – UN chief Guterres

04/18/2017. Briefing the Security Council, António Guterres today stressed the importance of unity in the 15-member body to effectively address human rights violations as well as to prevent mass atrocities.

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Vatican seminar on water pushes for better public policies

02/24/2017. A 2-day seminar aiming to propose much needed public policies for water and sanitation management is underway in the Vatican.

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Yemen : Security Council urges to discuss peace proposal

03/30/2017. “The only real way to prevent a worsening of the situation is to reach a peaceful resolution"

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Prevention is Always Better Than Treatment

30/21/2017. Aid workers and healthcare providers working amidst the ravages of war understand all to well the crucial importance of stopping conflict through diplomacy and negotiation.

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Food trade drains global water sources at 'alarming' rates

03/30/2017. The global market for foodstuffs is depleting water sources in many parts of the world quicker than they can naturally be refilled.

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