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It’s not just NGOs tackling humanitarian crises. Banks have a role too

05/19/2017. Of the 90 million people with physical disabilities around the world who need a mobility device, just one in 10 can access physical rehabilitation services.

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‘Our peacekeepers are saving lives every day’

05/22/2015. More than 3,500 peacekeepers who have lost their lives in the service of peace since UN deployments began in 1948.

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Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Ethiopian wins top WHO job

05/23/2017. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from Ethiopia will be the next director general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Princes and bankers and aid! Oh my!

05/26/2017. Despite external criticism and some of their own internal discomfort, more humanitarians are engaging with the World Economic Forum than ever before and see such spaces as critical for solving today’s complex crises.

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One year after humanitarian summit, UN stresses reforms to put people ‘at heart’ of decision-making

05/23/2017. The international community must use resources better and galvanize new partnerships, top United Nations officials said today.

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Five key principles for US foreign assistance success

05/22/2017. MFAN urges Congress to use its leadership and budget authority to ensure that the following core principles are reflected in the national budget and any proposed reforms of U.S. foreign assistance.

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HD : an non-profit organisation of freelance peace brokers

04/12/2017. Whenever a conflict appears unsolvable and official diplomacy fails, David Gorman and his colleagues get on a plane.

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The impact of (big) data on geopolitics, negotiations, and the diplomatic modus operandi

05/09/2017? Today, as The Economist argued, data is the new oil. It is at the core of modern developments, and is increasingly shaping political and economic lives.

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The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law

April 2017. The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law was published for the first time by Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier in 1998is on line.

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Doing good and doing well

05/04/2017. A growing share of aid is spent by private firms, not charities.

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