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World Migration Report 2018

December 2017. This World Migration Report 2018 is meant to better contribute to increase the understanding of current and strategic migration issues throughout the world

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UN appeals for record $22.5 billion in aid

12/01/2017. 136 million people face urgent needs because of protracted conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics and displacement.

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Security Council hears calls for ‘all of UN’ approach to stop destruction, smuggling of cultural heritage

11/30/2017. Cultural heritage and ensure can serve “as a source of belonging and peace for all people in times of conflict.”

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Dismantling the Foreign Service

11/27/2017. Foreign Service officers in more than 280 embassies and consulates manage development and humanitarian aid to distressed countries.

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3rd meeting of the Central Mediterranean Contact Group

13/11/2017. The Central Mediterranean Contact Group facilitates the exchange of information among European and African countries affected by migration via the Central Mediterranean route.

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"The collective responsibility to stop human trafficking"

11/21/2017. Slavery and other such egregious abuses of human rights have no place in the 21st century

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Pope: Protect Civilians During Conflicts

10/28/2017. Audience with Participants in Third Conference on Humanitarian International Law. 

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UN examine human mobility in an era of climate change

11/08/2017. The number of disaster displacements amounted to 25.3 million, according to figures released by the Norwegian Refugee Council.

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UN urges more protections for children in conflicts

10/31/2017. Mr. Guterres said children around the world are suffering “enormously and unacceptably,” resulting in “global shame.

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New Vatican emphasis on ‘20 action points’ for migrants

11/08/2017. In recent days, Pope Francis and a Vatican official have cited “Responding to Migrants and Refugees: Twenty Action Points”

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