Humanitarian Aid & International Solidarity

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US foreign aid cuts: what could impact be?

04/28/2017. A leaked State Department budget document lays out proposals for a 30.8 percent cut in development aid and plans to sharply cut back.

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The return of an old scourge : starvation

03/31/2017. Famine was supposed to be a thing of the past. True, 75 million people had died from starvation in the 20th century, but we had learned from these tragedies, how to predict them and how to address them.

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Turkey steps up crackdown on humanitarian aid groups

04/27/2017. Turkish authorities have detained 15 staff of a US NGO working on Syria relief operations – the latest in a series of moves restricting humanitarian aid groups in the country.

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IOM DG Swing's Statement at the Syria Brussels Conference

04/05/2017. "The future of Syria will be grim if current needs are not being addressed with a greater sense of urgency."

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Risk of Death from Starvation Grows in Africa

04/11/2017. The Lack of money is pushing the humanitarian crisis ever closer in Yemen, Nigeria, and South Sudan,

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IOM Learns of 'Slave Market' Conditions Endangering Migrants in North Africa

04/11/2017. Over the past weekend, IOM staff in Niger and Libya documented shocking events on North African migrant routes, which they have described as 'slave markets' tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya.

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Unity within Security Council vital to prevent mass atrocities – UN chief Guterres

04/18/2017. Briefing the Security Council, António Guterres today stressed the importance of unity in the 15-member body to effectively address human rights violations as well as to prevent mass atrocities.

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Yemen : Security Council urges to discuss peace proposal

03/30/2017. “The only real way to prevent a worsening of the situation is to reach a peaceful resolution"

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Syria: Describing the toll of war on health in absentia

04/03/2017. In our line of work, we rely on numbers. The numbers guide us to where the needs are. They tell us what is making people sick. They indicate how difficult it is for some to access healthcare.

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Ben Stiller and Social Media Stars Launch 'Love Army' to Aid in Somali Crisis

03/22/2017. Celebrities have banded together for a viral fundraising campaign to help offset the humanitarian crisis in Somalia, raising more than $2 million in less a week.

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