NEWSLETTER december 12th 2017


Week of december 12th 2017

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 Focus on : Yves Gazzo
Eritrea and the increasingly multifaceted challenges in the Horn of Africa

The well-understood humanitarian aid can not be put in place in the future provided that “soft power” outweighs the “warmonger”
Eritrea: a small country closed on itself and poor
Eritrea is not the most important country of those traditionally included in the Horn of Africa: just over 6 million people, unequally distributed over 117 000 km2 for GNP per capita (less than 500 Dollars).It is highly indebted and one of the poorest countries in the world. An almost continuous flow of migrants from this country are fleeing the dictatorship of its president Issayas Afeworki in power since independence recovered in 1993.
The weak regional integration of the country, although it is a member of the African Union and the IGAD (Regional Organization based in Djibouti) is explained in part by a participation in these organizations hardly active and confirms its relative isolation.

Indeed, it also stopped cooperation with the EU and UN agencies for a while and sent foreign NGOs back in December 2011, to reconsider its decision in July 2012.

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Four Decades of Cross-Mediterranean Undocumented Migration to Europe: A Review of the Evidence

2017. The report reviews available evidence on trans-Mediterranean irregular migration to Europe along various routes going back to the 1970s, particularly on the magnitude of the flows, the evolution of sea routes to Southern Europe, the characteristics of migrants, the extent to which one can separate between economic and forced movements, and mortality during the sea journey. The report also reflects on the causes of the so-called migration crisis – a record-high number of undocumented arrivals by sea between 2014 and 2016 – and the reasons for the substantial decrease in numbers in 2017. It concludes by identifying future data and research needs.

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Humanitarian corridors are helping change how Europeans see refugees

10/23/2017. Largely unnoticed by the mainstream media, an innovative private-public initiative involving faith-based communities and government is facilitating refugees enter Europe since 2015.

The year 2015 saw an unprecedented number of refugees arriving in Europe. More than one million people were risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea with thousands perishing in perilous journeys at the hands of people smugglers.

In many European countries, large numbers of ordinary people began welcoming the newcomers. Others, however, showed resistance to the arrival of people streaming through journeys fraught with danger. In some places, fences were erected.

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ICMPD around the Globe: Contribution to the SHADE MED Forum 2-2017

11/24/2017. Upon the invitation of EUNAVFOR MED Op. SOPHIA, ICMPD DG Michael Spindelegger delivered a keynote speech at the fifth Shared Awareness and De-confliction in the Mediterranean (SHADE MED) Forum, which took place in Rome on 23-24 November 2017.

The Forum, chaired by the Italian Navy, focused on “Situational Awareness, Information Exchange and Capacity Building: fundamental pillars of Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea” and brought together representatives from nations and organizations with an interest in irregular migration in the Mediterranean, to meet and share situational awareness and assessment of the evolution, trends and best practices.

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Time to Reset African Union-European Union Relations

September 2017. Relations between the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) reached a nadir in 2016 following serious disagreements over European payments to AU peacekeepers in Somalia. The fifth AU-EU summit in November presents a chance to reinvigorate the partnership if both sides can deal openly with disagreements, address deep-seated mutual frustration and agree to tackle the root causes driving migrants toward Europe.

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World Migration Report 2018

December 2017. Since 2000, IOM has been producing world migration reports. This World Migration Report 2018, the ninth in the world migration report series is meant to better contribute to increase the understanding of current and strategic migration issues throughout the world.

It presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues, and is structured to focus on two key contributions for readers: Part I: key information on migration and migrants (including migration-related statistics); and Part II: balanced, evidence-based analysis of complex and emerging migration issues. The two parts are intended to provide both overview information that helps to explain migration patterns and processes globally and regionally, and insights and recommendations on major issues that policymakers are or soon will be grappling with.

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UN relief wing appeals for record $22.5 billion in aid for 2018

12/01/2017. A record level of aid funding – more than $22.5 billion – is needed to deliver lifesaving assistance around the world in 2018, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator said on Friday.

Announcing the Global Humanitarian Appeal, Mark Lowcock said that an estimated 136 million people face urgent needs because of protracted conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics and displacement.

“Were we better financed, we would save more lives. But we would also protect more futures […],” he said, noting that it costs us about £230 a year to provide the lifesaving comprehensive assistance that we are talking about through these response plans – about 77 cents a day.

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Security Council hears calls for ‘all of UN’ approach to stop destruction, smuggling of cultural heritage

11/30/2017. The United Nations Security Council on Wednesday focused its attention on global efforts to stop the traffic in and destruction of cultural property, with the head of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) laying out steps to protect cultural heritage and ensure that it can serve “as a source of belonging and peace for all people in times of conflict.”

In her briefing, newly-appointed UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, spotlighted the Secretary-General’s first report on the adoption by the Council of resolution 2347 (2017), which, among others, condemned destruction of cultural heritage and the looting of cultural property.

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Dismantling the Foreign Service


The Foreign Service, our country’s irreplaceable asset for understanding and interacting with a complex and dangerous world, is facing perhaps its greatest crisis. President Trump’s draconian budget cuts for the State Department and his dismissive attitude toward our diplomats and diplomacy itself threaten to dismantle a great foreign service just when we need it most.

The United States is facing an extraordinary set of national security challenges. While we count on our military ultimately to defend the country, our diplomats are with it on front lines and in dangerous places around the world. They are our lead negotiators as we work with our European allies in NATO to contain growing Russian power on the Continent. They are our lead negotiators seeking a peaceful end to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Our diplomats are assembling the coalition of countries in East Asia to counter the irresponsible regime of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

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