Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey, Deputy Permanent Observer in Geneva
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey Ambassador to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons Deputy Permanent Observer in Geneva, 15 September 2020
Madam President,
Mr. Special Rapporteur,
Honourable Delegates,
The Sovereign Order of Malta would like to thank the new Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, Professor Tomoya Obokata, for his very interesting and well documented first report (A/HRC/45/8). The Order of Malta shares his concern that the pandemic exacerbates existing vulnerabilities to contemporary forms of slavery. The Order of Malta welcomes his victim/survivor-centred and age and gender-sensitive approach. We also support his intent to promote a coordinated and unified approach to eradicating contemporary forms of slavery. The Order of Malta shares his focus on the most vulnerable persons and is most willing to enter a constructive and fruitful cooperation with the Special Rapporteur and other stakeholders, including faith-based organizations. The Order of Malta would like to ask the Special Rapporteur whether training should not be extended to all stakeholders, in order to promote such a coordinated approach against contemporary slavery. Realising that the pandemic can be an obstacle to face-to-face education, the Order of Malta would like to contribute by offering an online course for helpers free of charge ( and a collection of good practices ( The Order of Malta warmly thanks the Special Rapporteur and expresses his best wishes for his important work. Thank you, Madam President.
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